The cat and the floss

Hey, the weather was a bit cooler so I wanted to wear my favorite black jeans with my favorite Japanese top, but my top was a bit frayed . It's a favorite , so I went to Pinterest to check what I could do, forgot during 20 minutes why I was there, suddenly remembered, and decided that a blanket stitch in a nice, matching color would do the trick. There is a blank moment here, when I desperately try to remember where is the pretty girls-scout cookie box where I stash my embroidery floss. I finally found it, after remembering where it was 1.In SF / 2.In Sausalito / 3.In Santa Monica / Etc. The matching floss was some DMC , it comes in a skein, I hate skeins because I always end up with a bunch of knots and no floss. So I decided to cut out a little bobin in my favorite material ( cardboard) , and since I was at it, to make it pretty, and here we are :

Thinking about it I felt that you might like to have one too, because it is quite useful, so I made a model for you to trace or print :  glue it on cardboard, a cereal box will do nicely. So now I might go ahead an start my blanket stitch...and wear my top tomorrow, it's getting late.

Right click, save  and print .

Personal use only , no commercial use. 



Où je passe une bonne matinée à tout faire sauf mettre la petite tunique japonaise beige que j'ai achetée pendant une escapade avec mes meilleurs copines, mais je suis, semble-t-il, ces jours-ci, la reine de la digression spontanée. En attendant, voici un petit modèle de bobine ( n'oubliez pas une encoche pour coincer le fil) à recopier/coller sur du carton pour broder en compagnie feline...

Je suis deja en train de regarder de plus près cette petite bobine, pour faire des modifications. Elle est juste de la bonne taille mais pourrait être plus ergonomique, et puis on pourrait la faire dans d'autres motifs n'est-ce pas...Digressions, et rond et rond petit patapon...