I'm not a foodie

I was raised in France the old fashioned way. Food is part of my culture just like language. Foodies usually treat it like literature. They make me a little bit uncomfortable. Chatting the other day with a friend who likes food just like me, I told her the only thing I really missed is the way we serve coffee in France : the small cup, the tiny spoon, the chocolate square , the glass of water, the sugar cubes. As a French girl living in SF, I traveled my own way in my new culture- not as a foodie, just like learning a new language. Here's a glossary for  French girls traveling in California:


Heu faut vraiment que je traduise?  Franchement le seul truc a savoir c'est qu'ici c'est drolement dur de trouver un pti kawa comme sur le zinc, et ca, c'est terrible. Mais sinon il y a plein de trucs super bons !