Digital charm patchwork

(en Francais plus bas, ne pleure pas Jeannette, tralalalala)

OK. I'm going to share  some cool little stuff with you, and I hope you will love it!

Did you notice my new patchwork background? It's fake fake fake! I wanted to make a mockup of my patterns as fabrics, to see if I would like to print them at spoonflower or what? 

Anyway. I thought you might want to do the same, and test your patterns before printing.  Or use it as a tool before buying fabrics, to see if you like them or not. Or create a nice backgound for your blog. Anyway. No commercial use, OK?

Here's how to do this:

©del4yo delphine doreau 2009

Download this file : patchwork_del4yo

Unzip it, and open in Photoshop. In the layers palette, clic on the lower layer.

Draw, put plain colors, fill with patterns, scan drawings and put them here. Anything, have fun!

Then double-click on the "color overlay" Effects to change the color of the frame.

Can't make more fun and easy. And it will look real :)

If you want to scan fabrics/use fabric patterns, remove the "fabric/tissus" layer. It's  some fabric affect I added to make any pattern look like fabric, you don't need it with fabric textures.

Enjoy...And please show me the result!